My teacher is my sex fantasy
I’ve always fantasized about Mrs. Cruz, our Math teacher in 5th grade. To me she is the prettiest woman in barangay Tyaong. When she speaks in class, sometimes I forget Math and focus on all the shapes, colors and features of her body. There were times when I get embarrassed for not knowing the answer to her drills and I blame her hips for hypnotizing me. They just attract my eyes. They were like magnets I follow their movement, every sway, back and forth as she talks near the black board. I was 11 years old then but the urges in me as well as imagination were uncontrollable. I was obsessed with Mrs. Cruz every day and night.
I wondered how her hips looked like without those clothes on. I was imagining them to be so shapely, like the coca cola bottle you know? Since she has a whiter complexion than most people in our place, I imagined her breasts to have pink nipples. Oh wow I get a hard on all the time (that’s why I put my bag on my lap so my seatmates won’t notice).

(These are photos from online, and I just need to show you guys how legs look great with yellow skirts)

(These are photos from online, and I just need to show you guys how legs look great with yellow skirts)
Wednesday became my favorite school day for teachers wore casual dresses and I thank Mrs. Cruz she preferred skirts and dresses over pants. Other teachers wore jeans on Wednesdays so I couldn’t really make the shapes of their bodies out, but I did not really care much about them. To me it was Mrs. Cruz who’s sexiest. One Wednesday, she wore a light yellow skirt with a white top that was tucked inside the skirt. I noticed that her calves were rounded and her knees were light (a thing that has stuck to my mind for all time). On that Wednesday, I remember having stayed later than usual in school. It had rained so hard and I was the only one who didn’t bring an umbrella. I was really pissed for having left my umbrella at home so I waited along the corridor until the rain stopped. Usually, the janitor who was always grumpy scolded students who stayed late at school so I kept an eye for him. Once I heard footsteps above walking down the wooden stairs, I hid below it thinking it was the janitor. I really hated him and didn’t want him to see me. Squeezing myself in the narrow space, I looked up to see where the man was but to my surprise it wasn’t a man. It was a woman in a yellow skirt! I can’t believe it, I was looking at the most beautiful legs, thighs, crotch and buttocks I have ever seen! A real lady’s thighs and crotch and buttocks! I knew it was Mrs. Cruz, I wanted to hide all the more for if she saw me she’d think I was a peeping tom. She was going down the stairs and ooohhh wow her buttocks were plump beneath her pink panties. Her legs and thighs were long and rounded oh shit I can still see them now in my mind. I get a hard on all the time.
I wish I saw my teacher like this with no panties. Man that would make my life really great.
pics from the net
I was going to touch myself more when I heard a man’s voice, “hoy, you there!” “Come here, what are you doing here this time?” he said in a very loud voice. I hurried to get out and ran through the rain. I got home all wet, got a shower and hurriedly went to my room. I had to masturbate right away.
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